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Shadowdawn Genesis

Morsett Daikuri Profile
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Morsett Daikuri Profile

The spirited Morsett Ooguri has had a troubled life, leaving behind his homeworld of Fractalis to seek a destiny of his own in this new land that his people once considered Paradise. Seperated from his best friend, his mischeivious nature and incredible skill at thievery caught the attention of the Kurokaji Syndicate, an underground guild that plagues the Kinshutai and the citizens of Seikyo city. Despite his recruitment, Morsett is a light-hearted, laid-back young man with a strong sense of justice from his trying experiences on Fractalis. It is these events that has shined through his lofty facade, and the guild's leader, known only to him as "The Boss," puts more and more responsibility in his capable hands. To his bemusement, the Fractalian bluebird that he had nicknamed "Hato" continues to follow him long after all his friends had gone, and Morsett has grudgingly accepted its companionship (even going so far to become fond of it).

Seperated from his long-time traveling companions that also travelled to Lexis, Morsett had arrived in the Imperial Capital of Seikyo armed only with the promises of a mysterious explorer he had met in Fractalis. With the legends from his world, he was more than a bit disappointed but quickly found a home when recruited by the Kurokaji Syndicate. Though his "softness" has ostracized him from many of the cold-hearted factions within the guild, he is still a thief; "The Boss" often puts him in charge of distributing wealth to the forlorn familes of his fellow members. Despite his carefree attitude and dubious skills, he takes debts very seriously and will never leave one unpaid, only raising the money with honest work.

His good nature is not entirely selfless; he is not above using his increasing power within his guild to get him closer to his own goal, to track down someone dear to him that vanished shortly after they had arrived in this new world. Unfortunately, his leads have been frustratingly scarce...


Morsett's unique skill, Daggerplay, is a dual-wielding dagger style designed to confuse opponents. As he has limited magical ability, he has discovered ways to use his practically inhuman agility to break down defenses and leave openings for his companions. Hato may even join in to help!

Basic Tech: Stifle, Steal, Backstab

Advanced Tech: Fang of Epoch, Starwalker


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