Foxfire Taking Shape

Ket takes a seat under a tree
Arashi is amazed how fast trees grow in a digital world

This has been a tough week for me so far, graphics literally make me drowsy.  It’s like a mental block or something, when I start coloring things I just shut down and I practically have to slap myself to keep going.  However, now we’re starting to see some of the finished map graphics (from the ground up) for Shadowdawn Genesis and I’m really quite proud.  It’s probably more impressive to see everything in action rather than still shots, but I thought it was a good enough image to pass on to you all.  It’s a bit slow at this point because I have to create practically everything from scratch, and this world has a lot of stuff in it.  At some point I’ll be doing optimization for filesize wayyyy down the road, but for now I’m going to push this game’s art to the limit.

Arashi and Ket’s sprites and animations are still placeholder, I just haven’t sat down to do the animations.  You’ll know when I do because I won’t update for awhile, but once the animations are finalized the game will really be underway and I will work on a trailer to draw more attention to the project.  There’s still a few things other than graphic engine work that need to be implemented, such as proper handling for NPC/enemies (I’m going to replace the class I built originally) and special ability triggering, but I burned myself out programming all those menus, so figure working on the game art is a nice change of pace until I get back in the mood.

For those keeping score, this is the 2nd official map.  It’s linked to 5 other tent interiors and then the central forest road where a lot of the first “main” battles take place (there are some kittris and tonbo going to be hidden on the campsite map for the people exploring for the secrets I’ll be littering everywhere).   My goal is to program and draw the entire first checkpoint area (the first half of the first “mission” of the game) which is 6 tent interiors and 6 outdoor zones (though 2 are totally optional and can wait).  It’ll be a pretty good representation how big the game is going to be both time-wise and filesize. :3

About Astrael

A long-time independent game developer that was lucky(?) enough to have grown up with the gaming industry. I am a programmer, a game designer, a concept and pixel artist, a music composer, and a novelist. This has been my dream for as long as I can remember, and I am determined to take advantage of every talent I hope I have to make it happen!